I've put in about 10 hours at the Museum up to this point and a large percentage of them have been spent going over financial statements and audits from the year 1996 up through 2009. I've been gathering and calculating information regarding Piper's revenue/donations and total expenses for each year so that I can calculate how much money has been put into the hangar and museum itself since the Museum Foundation started making payments on the building in 1996. We want to include this information, as well as acknowledge major contributors through the years in the newsletter. I'm happy to say that my hours of flipping through audits are over and that the next time I go into the office, I will be able to start playing with drafts for the article about museum contributions.
What I'm most excited about at this point is the fundraiser that I've come up with. I have been discussing a campus-wide monetary fundraiser for the Aviation Museum with the president of LHU's Residence Hall Association. The RHA executive board discussed and approved my request at their meeting tonight. I had asked for participation and the funding of a pizza party for the residence hall that raises the most money by the end of our to-be-determined fundraising period. I chose to approach the RHA because I spent 2 semesters working with them as Campus Village's Vice President and know how much the organization does for other non-profits in our community through programs that involve competitive fundraising. Right now I am in the process of figuring out whether or not I need to make signs, along with the fliers that I was already planning to distribute, for each of the 8 halls as advertisement for the event, or if the Resident Assistants are willing to help me spread the word throughout the halls.
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